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Arts Roundup

January 3 - 9


Meet the Artist: Les Brandt

For January’s First Friday reception, local artist Les Brandt will be on hand to discuss his four-part technique on layered art, and show examples of work in progress at each stage, while visitors will be encouraged to try their hand at the technique.

Les Brandt will demonstrate his art from 5-7 p.m., Friday, Jan. 3, at The Grant County Art Guild Gallery, 316 N. Bullard Dr., Silver City. Info: GCAG.org

Sam Peters : Master of His Art

The Tombaugh Gallery of Las Cruces hosts a one-person exhibition for abstract expressionist print maker, sculptor, and teacher Sam Peters, featuring over 75 monotype, cliché verre, and mixed-media prints produced between 1987 and 2020.

A reception for Sam Peters exhibition will be held 5-7 p.m., Friday, Jan. 3, at the Tombaugh Gallery, 2000 S. Solano Dr., Las Cruces. Info: 575-522-7281

The Silent Opera: A Cautionary Tale

The photographic montages and animated videos of Barbara Houghton – which serve as a warning against the abuse of power, vengeance and provincial choices, by illustrating behaviors that are questionable – will be on exhibit for the month of January.

A reception for Barbara Houghton’s exhibition will be held 5-8 p.m., Friday, Jan. 3, at the Mad Hatter Gallery, 221 N. Main St., Ste C, Las Cruces. Info: 575-528-9297

Dia de los Reyes Nativity Open House

Nativities, or Nacimientos, from the collection of faith Hutson and John Verploegh will be on display in their historic home on the original El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro National Historic Trail, with emphasis placed on the Magi for the Epiphany.

The Nativity Open House will spread the good news 12-4 p.m., Saturday, January 4, at 706 B. South Mesquite St., Las Cruces. Info: LCGarden64@gmail.com

Cats on Parade

If furry, four-legged feline friends are your jam, this exhibit prominently featuring Cats is for you, in an exhibit running January 3-30, especially if you bring donations of cat food, toys, and other items for Deming Animal Guardians.

Cats on Parade will be celebrated with an opening reception from 1-2:30 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 5, at The Deming Art Center, 100 S. Gold St., Deming. Info: 575-546-3663

Arts roundup, January