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DACC grads move their tassels over


On May 9, more than 500 erstwhile students of Doña Ana Community College moved their tassels over as they graduated with degrees and honors ready to go out and challenge the world and workplace.

Doña Ana Community College congratulated more than 500 new graduates at its commencement ceremony on May 9, 2024 at the Pan-American Center on the campus of New Mexico State University in Las Cruces.
Doña Ana Community College congratulated more than 500 new graduates at its commencement ceremony on May 9, 2024 at the Pan-American Center on the campus of New Mexico State University in Las Cruces.
Photos by Elva K. Österreich

Dental hygienists and graphic technologists; culinary artists and game developers; film crews and respiratory therapists; and so many more are heading out to look for jobs. And then, following the pomp and circumstance as they collected their certificates one by one, the jubilant graduates processed out of the Pan-American Center to the cheerful music of Mariachi Jalisciense.

The band Mariachi Jalisciense performs during a graduation ceremony for Doña Ana Community College at the Pan-American Center in Las Cruces on May 9, 2024.
The band Mariachi Jalisciense performs during a graduation ceremony for Doña Ana Community College at the Pan-American Center in Las Cruces on May 9, 2024.
Photos by Elva K. Österreich
Doña Ana Community College students move the tassels on their graduation caps from right to left as their degrees are conferred during a graduation ceremony at the Pan-American Center in Las Cruces on May 9, 2024.
Doña Ana Community College students move the tassels on their graduation caps from right to left as their degrees are conferred during a graduation ceremony at the Pan-American Center in Las Cruces on May 9, 2024.
Photos by Elva K. Österreich