Our local election coverage rolls along
Happy Thursday, dear friends,
This week, well ahead of early voting, we are rolling out a set of interviews with the candidates for district attorney in Doña Ana County.
You will find them on the cover of this week’s print edition, which is in circulation today, as well as a beautifully designed landing page at LasCrucesBulletin.com, with links to the individual stories written by reporter Justin Garcia.
Moreover, the questions asked of the candidates were shaped by responses to you, our readers, from the feedback we solicited a few weeks ago. We hope the result is that the candidates are responding to questions you want them to answer.
This week, we meet the Democratic candidates vying in the primary. We have also interviewed the lone Republican candidate, Michael Cain, and are preparing that profile for you as well.
This approach to election coverage will also extend to our coverage of statehouse contests, also in the works.
(Letter continued below)
The beloved tamale, a traditional dish of corn-based dough steamed in corn husks or sometimes banana leaves, will be celebrated in Las Cruces on Cinco de Mayo at the second annual New Mexico Tamale …
The Doña Ana County sheriff declined to take questions during a news conference on May 1 after a deputy killed a man in Chaparral during an arrest.
Sheriff Kim Stewart said she …
And that’s just some of what the Bulletin presents to you this week in addition to local government reporting; coverage of a number of public emergency stories that came up this week; a preview of an upcoming performance by musician and environmental activist Bill Oliver; and a sit-down with coach Ben Trujillo about his transition from the Hatch Valley to Mayfield High School to take over the Trojans’ boys’ basketball program.
This work is a heavy lift by a team that keeps punching above its weight. Stay with us.
Algernon D’Ammassa Managing Editor