Bulletin report
The Las Cruces Museum of Nature and Science (MONAS) will offer free programs for children and families in April. Admission and programs are free. Registration is not required for any of the events.
- “Nature & Science Discovery PreK,” 10 a.m. Thursdays, April 20 and 27. Nurture your little one’s love of science as they investigate weather through hands-on explorations, stories and crafts. Recommended for ages 2-5 with an adult caregiver.
- “FOSSILS!” 9 a.m.-noon, Saturday, April 15. Explore the 3.5-billion-year odyssey of life with a geologist and real fossil specimens. Learn about marine animals like moss animals and lamp shells which have lived for millions of years. For all ages.
- “STEAMpunk – Paper Rocket Flight Test,” 11 a.m. Saturday, April 15. Sydney Hamilton, Ph.D., always wanted to fly and now she works at Boeing as an aerospace structures stress manager where she leads a team to support aircraft and satellite repairs. Inspired by her award-winning work, attendees will test the structural integrity of paper rockets. Recommended for ages 6 and older.
- “Animal Encounters: Mexican Grey Wolf,” 11 a.m.-noon, Saturday, April 22. MONAS will introduce a different resident of the Chihuahuan Desert each month. Learn about the tracks they leave, the sounds they make and ways to help with their conservation. For all ages.
- “Teen Science Café: 3D Modeling,” 5:30-7 p.m. Tuesday, April 25. Students ages 12-17 are invited to have dinner with engineers from the New Mexico State University Department of Engineering and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and learn about the different kinds of engineers and use 3D pens to make a model car. Dinner and activity supplies are included.
For more information, contact Stephanie Hawkins at 575-532-3372 and shawkins@lascruces.gov.
MONAS, 411 N. Main St. downtown, is accessible from RoadRUNNER Transit Route 1 Stop 1.
Visit www.lascruces.gov/museums and follow Las Cruces Museums on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @LCMuseums.