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Casa de Peregrinos emergency food program (CdP) wants to commission an artist to paint a 26-foot by 10-foot mural on a wall in the building at 991 W. Amador Ave., CdP’s future home.
“The mural will be in the main public area of the building on a wall that faces the entrance, serving as the focus as people enter,” CdP said.
CdP said the mural should incorporate the names of donors who have contributed to the building’s renovation; provide an inspiring visual representation of CdP’s mission, goals and history; provide a visual connection to the community and geography of the area; provide an “uplifting visual experience” to CdP; and maintain the artwork’s integrity over time. It may incorporate multiple media, CdP said.
Renovation of the building at 991 W. Amador Ave. is expected to be complete in June, with work on the mural to be scheduled “in collaboration with the construction company,” CdP said.
The deadline to submit an artist’s proposal is Saturday, April 1, said CdP Development Coordinator Bianca Menchaca.
CdP will create a mural selection committee comprised of members of its board of directors, volunteers, clients, staff and donors, CdP said. The committee will invite two artists to submit designs and will make a final selection of the artist and design. Invited artists will be asked to create a design concept proposal
including a broad sketch drawing of the proposed mural design with color palate and showing how donor names will be incorporated.
For more information, contact CdP Executive Director Lorenzo Alba at lo.alba.jr@gmail.com or Menchaca at bmenchaca81@gmail.com.
Call CdP at 575-523-5542. Visit www.casadeperegrinos.org.