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Las Cruces artist opens show in Stockholm


An exhibition of the work of Las Cruces artist Virginia Maria Romero will open Saturday, May 20 at Galleri ArtSight in Stockholm, Sweden. The exhibit continues until June 4.

“Akrylmålningar, förenar traditionella tekniker och motiv från New Mexico med modern estetik,” is the gallery’s description of the exhibit. Translation: “Acrylic paintings, combining traditional techniques and motifs from New Mexico with modern aesthetics.”

"It is a privilege to have continued international exposure with an exhibit of my work at Galleri ArtSight, located in the middle of Stockholm “gallery road,” a stretch of road called Hornsgatspuckeln,” Romero said.” I thank Galleri ArtSIght, and am honored by their invitation, support, and exhibition of my work. I am so excited for this exhibit, as it also provides an opportunity to share my paintings, which symbolize my love of wildlife, to a broader audience. This exhibit includes several of my Crossing Boundaries works that demonstrate a universal language, which, although spoken in silence, can be heard by all who care to listen…”

“Virginia Maria Romero, a masterful artist, has left her mark on public and museum collections, as well as in numerous private collections in the United States and abroad,” the gallery said. “Her art is primarily centered around New Mexico and Southwestern culture, incorporating religious iconography, Native-American imagery, and animals. To create her paintings and mixed-media work, Virginia uses traditional materials and methods.

Romero was born in 1952 in Sheffield Lake, Ohio, and has lived in New Mexico since 1982.

Visit https://galleriartsight.se/.

Art in Santa Fe

Bill Hester Fine Art, 613 Canyon Road in Santa Fe, will open a show featuring Romero’s work in August, she said.

Visit www.billhesterfineart.com.

Wildlife center art

 Romero’s art will also be featured by Madrean Archipelago Wildlife Center throughout its website, jaguar-rising.org.

Her artwork is featured on a card the center’s upcoming campaign, “Corridors of Compassion.”

Romero wrote this poem to accompany her art:

beyond borders
the Moon dances
along Sun washed Mountains
River sings its
winding path among
Wild Flowers
and Wilder Spirits…
Behind Borders
Nature sings in silence
to deaf ears
her colors camouflaged
to closed eyes
While in silence
Nature Speaks
while it waits
for the world
to listen…

Ⓒ Sept. 23, 2022 VMR