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‘Murderess’ continues this weekend


ToadHall Productions of Las Cruces’ production of "Murderess," by Anne Bertram, continues this weekend at First Christian Church, 1809 El Paseo Road. Performances are at 7 p.m. Friday-Saturday, June 24-25, and 2 p.m. Sunday, June 26. Tickets are $10 regular admission and $5 for students and senior citizens. Tickets are available at the door. The cast includes Debbie Jo Felix as Laura Fair, Erin Wendorf as Margaret “Ma”Hossack, Lisa Taylor as Celia Bryan, Nancy Clein Tafoya as Jane Toppan, Autumn Gieb as Gossipy Neighbor Gossipy Neighbor Belle Gunness, Meghan Berver as Lizzie Borden and Nikka Ziemer as Author/Presenter. Borden was charged with the August 1892 axe murders of her father and stepmother in Fall River, Massachusetts. Fair killed her married lover in San Francisco in 1870. Hossack killed her abusive husband in Warren County, Iowa in 1900. Bryan killed her father, who was also her owner, in Jacksonville, Florida in 1848. Toppan killed at least 11 patients at two Boston hospitals and as a private nurse before she was caught in 1901. Gunness killed at least 13 people in Illinois and Indiana 1903-08.