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Coming Up January 17 - 23


Friday, January 17

Mesilla Valley Hospice & Palliative Care presents the 3rd Annual Health & Wellness Fair, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at Mesilla Valley Mall, 700 S. Telshor Blvd., Las Cruces. Info: 575-649-0898

Fair Farmers Friday Evening Market, 4-9 p.m., at Plaza de Las Cruces, 100 N. Main St., Las Cruces. Info: Cassie@LasCrucesFairFarmers.com

Astronomy Friends of the Parks, 5:30 p.m. at Rockhound State Park, 9880 Stirrup Rd. SE., Deming. Info: 575-546-6182

Twin Flames, 7 p.m. at the Flickinger Center for the Performing Arts, 1110 New York Ave., Alamogordo. Info: 575-437-2202

Mesilla Valley Contra Dance, 7:30-10:30 p.m. at Mesilla Community Center, 2251 Calle de Santiago, Mesilla. Info: 575-932-8222

The Brandon Perrault Band, 8 – 11 p.m. at Little Toad Creek, 200 N Bullard St, Silver City. Info: 575-956-6144

Steve Aoki, 9 p.m., at 11:11, 9740 Dyer St., El Paso. Info: DiscoPresents.com

January 17 – 19

Mesilla Valley Balloon Rally, 7 p.m., at the Field of Dreams, 2300 Tashiro Dr., Las Cruces. Info: 575-644-9702

January 17 – 26

Blank Conversations Theatre Company presents Jesus Christ Superstar, 7 & 2 p.m. at the Rio Grande Theatre, 211 N. Main St., Las Cruces. Info: BlankConversations.org

January 17 – February 2

No Strings Theatre Company presents Exit The King, 8 p.m. & 2:30 p.m., at The Black Box Theatre, 430 N. Main St., Las Cruces. Info: 575-523-1223

Saturday, January 18

Sierra County Farmers Market, 8:30-11:30 a.m. at 300 Riverside Dr., Truth or Consequences. Info: 575-894-1968

Farmers & Crafts Market of Las Cruces, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at Plaza de Las Cruces, 100 N. Main St., Las Cruces.Info: 575-201-3853

Farmers Market of Otero County, 9-11 a.m. at Tractor Supply, 2900 N. White Sands Blvd., Alamogordo. Info: 575-430-2081

Southwest Women’s Fiber Arts Collective presents Mending Our Ways, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at Future Forge, 307 E. College Ave., Silver City. Info: TheFutureForge.org

Silver City Farmers Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at 1120 N. Main St., Silver City. Info: SilverCityFarmersMarket.info

Weaving for Justice Maya Textile Sale, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at First Christian Church atrium, 1809 El Paseo Rd., Las Cruces. Info: Weaving-For-Justice.org

Southern New Mexico N Scalers Model Railroad Club, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the SNM Fairgrounds (enter through West gate), 12125 Robert Larson Blvd., Las Cruces. Info: 575-993-7078

Extreme Dwarf Wrestling Lucha Live, 1 p.m., at Southern New Mexico State Fair & Rodeo, 12125 Robert Larson Blvd., Las Cruces. Info: Dwarfanators.com

Circus Pop/The Giant Bubble Show, 3 & 5:30 p.m., at Sgt. Willie Estrada Memorial Civic Center, 800 E. 1st St., Alamogordo. Info: 575-439-4100

Astronomy Friends of the Parks, 5:30 p.m. at City of Rocks State Park, 327 NM-61, Faywood. Info: 575-536-2800

Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest presents Cookies and Cocktails, 6-10 p.m., at the Las Cruces Convention Center, 680 E. University Ave., Las Cruces. Info: 575-526-0100

Piatogorsky Foundation presents Linda Rosenthal and Maxim Pakhomov, 6 p.m., at Tularosa Basin Gallery of Photography, 401 12th St., Carrizozo. Info: CarrizozoMusic.org

John Bush and the Queen’s Demise Tour, 7 p.m., at the Center for Spiritual Living, 575 N. Main St., Las Cruces. Info: 575-523-4847

Virus Theater’s Winter Ball, 7-11 p.m., at Buckhorn Opera House, 32 Main St., Pinos Altos. Info: VirusTheater@gmail.com

Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra’s “Brahms” Concert, 7:30 p.m., at Atkinson Recital Hall, 1075 N, Horseshoe St., Las Cruces. Info: 575-646-3709

Sunday, January 19

Piatogorsky Foundation presents Linda Rosenthal and Maxim Pakhomov, 2 p.m., at The Lighthouse, 124 Austin St., Truth or Consequences. Info: 575-740-7440

Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra’s “Brahms” Concert, 3 p.m., at Atkinson Recital Hall, 1075 N, Horseshoe St., Las Cruces. Info: 575-646-3709

Mesilla Valley Jazz & Blues Society presents Azúcar Jazz Combo, 3 p.m. at Alma d’Arte Charter High School, 402 W. Court Ave., Las Cruces. Info: MVJazzBlues.net

Monday, January 20

Piatogorsky Foundation presents Linda Rosenthal and Maxim Pakhomov, 3 p.m., at Temple Beth-El, 3980 Sonoma Springs Ave., Las Cruces. Info: 575-405-1739

Tuesday, January 21

Academy for Learning in Retirement (ALR) presents “The Good The Bad and The Ugly: How Being Best Friends With Humans is Not Always Beneficial,” by Dr Gaylene Fasenko, 10:30 a.m.-noon at DACC Auditorium, Doña Ana Community College, 2800 Sonoma Ranch Blvd., Las Cruces. Info: 575-527-7509

Author Talk with Rosemary Matos, 1:30 p.m. in the Roadrunner Room, Thomas Branigan Memorial Library, 200 E. Picacho Ave. Info: 575-649-8786

Circus Pop/The Giant Bubble Show, 6:30 p.m., at Albert Lyons Event Center, 2953 S. Broadway St., Truth or Consequences. Info: 575-894-2375

Wednesday, January 22

Lunch & Learn: The Role of Nature Photography in Conservation, with Jeff Parker, owner of Explore in Focus, 12-1 p.m., in the ABC Room of the WNMU Besse-Forward Global Resource Center, W. 12th St., Silver City. Info: Will.Community/LunchLearn

Circus Pop/The Giant Bubble Show, 5 & 7:30 p.m., at Albert Lyons Event Center, 2953 S. Broadway St., Truth or Consequences. Info: 575-894-2375

Thursday, January 23

Academy for Learning in Retirement (ALR) presents “Fide Canem: The Future of the Human/Dog Relationship and What We Can Learn,” by Dr Gaylene Fasenko, 10:30 a.m.-noon at DACC Auditorium, Doña Ana Community College, 2800 Sonoma Ranch Blvd., Las Cruces. Info: 575-527-7509

Circus Pop/The Giant Bubble Show, 5 & 7:30 p.m., at SW New Mexico Fairgrounds, Raymond J, 4100 Raymond Reed Blvd., Deming. Info: GiantBubbleShow.com

Performer’s Showcase, 6 p.m. at Whiskey Creek Zócalo in the Lodge, 11786 Hwy 180 East, Arenas Valley. Info: 575-388-1266 or WhiskeyCreekZocalo.com

Historic Fort Bayard Winter/Spring Film Series presents Psycho, 6:30 p.m., at Santa Clara National Guard Armory, 11990 US-180, Santa Clara. Info: 575-388-4862