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LCPS nets $200,000 grant to teach students a second language


Las Cruces Public Schools announced that the district received a $200,000 grant to promote bilingualism and biliteracy throughout the district. 

The announcement on Jan. 16 stated that the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, a philanthropic organization that funds hundreds of projects across the U.S., including education efforts, selected LCPS for the dual language grant. 

“This grant will support the celebration of student achievements, foster collaboration with community partners, and elevate the importance of bilingualism within our community,” a news release announcing the grant stated. 

According to the district, the grant will be distributed over the next two years and used for teacher professional development, student resources and improved communications with parents and stakeholders. 

The district also pointed out that the W.K. Kellogg Foundation gave LCPS $160,000 in 2022 “to create and establish a clear dual language pathway for students in preschool-12th grade.”

“In total, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation has invested $960,000 to improve education in Doña Ana County, expanding community schools and providing integrated services that address academic, health, and social needs. These efforts aim to enhance student learning, strengthen families, and build healthier, more vibrant communities,” the news release said, adding that the district was grateful for the money.

Las Cruces Public School, grant, second language